update: Nepal Student Union 11th Assembly
update: Nepal Student Union 11th Assembly
The Nepal Students’ Union election has once again been shrouded in uncertainty after the dispute regarding representatives in some districts prevented a closed-door session of the union’s 11th General Convention scheduled on Monday. The student wing of the Nepali Congress had to postpone the closed-door session for Tuesday after the union failed to reach a consensus in selecting representatives from the 11 disputed districts, NSU spokesperson UP Lamichhane. The NSU conclave began at Bhrikutimandap in the Capital on Sunday, almost after a decade since the previous gathering. The NSU had planned to announce official panels on Monday evening and hold elections on Tuesday. Student leaders claimed that the tendency to “shy away from elections but hoping to get picked as the union’s president through the leadership’s pocket” was the main obstacle in resolving the dispute in some districts. “Deep division that surfaced in the mother party’s general convention back in March has had a trickle-down effect on the party’s sister organisation,” said a student leader aspiring to be an NSU office bearer, requesting anonymity.