Viral fever outbreaks in different district
Viral fever outbreaks in different district
Illnesses caused by viruses are among the most frequent causes of fever in adults. Symptoms can include a runny nose, sore throat, cough, hoarseness, and muscle aches. Viruses also may cause diarrhea, vomiting, or an upset stomach. For the most part, these viral illnesses will improve simply with time.With the onset of summer, the number of patients suffering from viral fever has gone up in Lamjung. Most patients visiting local health facilities are suffering from fever and common cold. According to Lamjung Community Hospital, around 200 patients visit the health facility on a daily basis and majority of them are suffering from viral fever. The seasonal disease has mostly affected children and elderly persons. Doctors and health workers in the district have attributed the outbreak to murky and unsafe drinking water.
Dr Prakash Sahu, of a local community hospital, said viral fever was not a disease in itself, but was a symptom of some other ailment. Doctors suggest people to drink plenty water as a precaution against viral fever and other seasonal diseases. Meanwhile, the inflow of patients suffering from seasonal diseases has also increased at the local private clinics. Health workers said people were suffering from fever, diarrhoea and common cold, among other seasonal diseases.