We can not make money in Janakpur

We can not make money in Janakpur

Singapore can make money. Wherever it is possible to build a trade center and Versatile. However, the historical importance of Janakpur city, which money can not make 'social amaracandra Anil was referring to, "janakapurajasto living human civilization is built timeless. Maithili culture, art and civilization, the center of the city, construction is always important not to be. Such protection should the city. "

Since ancient times, established as a center of knowledge and education in Janakpur city. Study Janakpur were many educational infrastructure. Educational and cultural diversity of this city is also regarded as rich as the educational and cultural sector is already familiar. Most of the schools community is made of Janakpur. There is no government involvement.

Moreover, the role of Nepal's democratic struggle in Janakpur is always leading. Whether democracy against BS 2017, or the next step forward in the royal movements, Janakpur is a symbol of hard struggle. In terms of political awareness is probably more aware of Janakpur cities in the land would not. The bomb struck the king of the durgananda Jha, Keshav Koirala Arvind Thakur and Living Thapa to be or, kameshwar-kusesvarajasta are youth, Janakpur history is filled with sahadatale.

Mahendranarayana funds, Narayan Mishra, Saroj Koirala, vodhaprasada upadhyayajasta role as the legendary fighters of democracy has distinguished himself in Janakpur. The political distance between Kathmandu and Janakpur never existed. Between these two cities do not have much social, cultural and historical distance that remained. Nepali politics as the most fertile part of their role during the reign of the king, causing the Janakpur. DR. Tulsi Giri, and Rudra became giriharu pancayatakalina political figure.

A few decades ago, it was quite a distance from the geographic way, Janakpur. Birgunj from Kathmandu to the Indian Railways rode Sitamarhi, Darbhanga Jaynagar and Janakpur through pugnupathryae. Janakpur Janakpur-Jayanagar run 18 km long railway 'Life Line' was like. BS 2028-29 Janakpur giant hastiharu Saroj Koirala, mahendranarayana funds, jnanisankara Giri, makesvaraprasada sonae were then arrested by the government. Among mahendranarayana funds, makesvara Singh and Chill Janakpur Kathmandu prison was run. East-West highway was under construction. We just put the jeep track to open in the Russian prisoners were brought to Kathmandu bardibasako way.

Now it is not isolated to Janakpur. Both in terms of transportation, hills and Tarai straight for the capital of this city. However, a tinge of Kathmandu and Janakpur of ownership which were bound by ropes, the erosion of the sense it has become. It may be due to the increasing modernization started to sense this impression.

There is also a city grows, begin to grow. Relationships between people are more independent and make new problem. Janakpur represent the Madhesi and close relationship between the tops of the formula it used to seem strong. However, it is not unusual for some reason manihalnuparne. Due to the Madhesi movement a kind of contraction is seen in society. After addressing the demands of the movement of society will come to its former image.

Nepal released a new constitution and inclusive of all Nepalis were probably right to equality has been trending: Kathmandu and Janakpur were visible near one another. However, political parties could not be seen because of unnecessary and excessive rigidity. Constitution madhesasamga not be treated equally and not to complain meet the demands of the deteriorating everywhere began to be heard. This question was the Madhesi movement. This is the essence of the movement nor the Congress-led government knew, or the UML-led government. Now the movement is wandering, and also, the heat and the heat is not able to be free madhes.

No one can understand it revolves around the city of Janakpur, citizenship is not only deteriorating. The problem is avasarahinatale birth. Cultural and social issues and did not address the issue in the right way has caused. Capital sat listening to the radio and reading newspapers circle of fire that no one seems janakapurajasto. However, the situation is not so. Janakpur society is mature. Price and charge the assailants appear until some time now. Yes, the emotions of Janakpur youth generation speaks the language which is natural. But the aggression impulse is controlled. This city is the social responsibility of young generation. So the city are some bhairakhekai. At tanneriharu have focused on a rescue mission.

Madhesi movement is not limited to the impact rajanitisamma. 'Andolanaaghi that no one knows we are Madhesi, the movement has expanded the awareness, "says civil krsnasinha. Madhesi movement speed is multidimensional. The young generation, most of the members of the movement have specific cultural and social context, see. They are attached to the Madhesi movement raised its discussion on languages ​​do.

Yesterday Maithili language of dialogue and discussion would hinatavodha. "Now is proud," Ajay savvy youth journalist says, "Even in the midst of Madhesi movement madhesiharukai identity has been established. 'Views of women Madhesi movement works also made people excited. Camouflaging veil patio and vegetable rumalline women's movement are seen in the forefront. Miss Pandit says, "thinking that drastic changes in women's movement has come. '

Janakpur strategic role of the Madhesi movement. East or West kataiko of Janakpur by different prasangikata and value can not be established. It is also possible point of major regional capital. Terai voice to the aspirations of latent energetic city. On the contrary, the whole city of Janakpur Dham is a religious choral music by Jeremy Sitaram hating pomp Janaki. Sangam Temple Monastery and the seas. Treta age and Sita Ram Chandra images in the interpretation of scholars who spirituality.

As a religious center in Janakpur everyone to know that it is important. Parent cokadekhi part of the Janaki Temple Janakpur topped a real sense of the holy dhamako. Janaki Temple in the regular ritual each evening charm is intact.

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