Why yuvatiharu are currently becoming prostitutes

Why yuvatiharu are currently becoming prostitutes

Once upon a time there lived a family of 5. The dad, the mum and there 3 children Mia, Joel and Gabby. The family was poor. They only had the money for 5 groceries. They had no money to take the children to school. All the rest of the family members were poor as well.

The family slept on the streets. As the families walked past they took no notice. The used leaves for there beds and pillows. They had apples and bananas only.

One day a child took notice. She asked, "What are you doing here?"
The mother replied, "We have no home we are poor we have no house." The child ran to her mother and told her all about it. The family came and gave them money. They cheered for joy. They had the money for everything they wished. They got a house and they took there children to school. They got groceries and shared some money with the other family members. It was happy to know that they were not poor anymore. They were not rich. They were in between. They all lived happily ever after

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