Syrian border area of a city in Turkey late

Syrian border area of a city in Turkey late

Syrian border area of ​​a city in Turkey late Saturday night at a wedding ceremony ghajiyantepama attack and at least 51 people were killed by the work of the United Nations condemned.

The attack on the United Nations Security Council meeting on Monday for crimes against humanity has demanded strong action sanlagnahunelai sanjnadimdai it.

The fifteen-member Council, has stated that such a statement in opposition to violent activities than any words, and such terrorist attacks are a challenge for the international peace and security reasons.

The council killed in the attack by people living heartfelt tribute has also offered. The council also expressed condolences to the bereaved family of six.

The bomb attack on a group of Islamic States told Turkish President Recep taiyapa IS erdoganale is claimed.

Ghajiyantepaka governor in a statement published yerlikayadvara little wedding ceremony fairy terrorist attack targeted the bibhatsa 51 people were killed and dozens of others have been injured.
According to the Kurdish tribes living around samacaradataharuka wedding, because a majority of citizens of Kurdish samuhalaksita described the attack.

This year, Turkey and Kurdish IS terrorist group's attacks have been made srnkhalavaddha. In Turkey, this kind of attack has to be repeated.

Last June, the terrorist attack at the airport istanabulasthita a man with more than 40 people had been killed.

The two months since this has been another powerful attack. It is a 12 to 14 years, child suicide bomb explosion has been found.

He wore aiesale preliminary investigation, police said. But if this IS about any feedback yet.